The Course

Dive into a transformative approach that reshapes how you engage with individuals in care settings, emphasizing respect and person-first perspectives. This course is all about unlocking the potential in every individual by acknowledging their unique preferences, capabilities, and dreams. Throughout the 8-hour journey, we'll explore essential tools and methods of Person-Centered Thinking, equipping you with the skills necessary to craft personalized and effective support plans. Empathy takes the driver's seat as we break down traditional power dynamics and instead, build connections based on genuine understanding and shared decision-making.

Ready to see the powerful impact of putting people at the heart of the support process? By fine-tuning your listening and planning talents, you'll be primed to champion change in diverse environments—from healthcare to educational settings, social services, and beyond. Not only does this enrich the lives of those you support, but it also fosters a culture of inclusion and empowerment. As you step out into the world with these newly honed abilities, you're set to be a beacon of positive change, championing a movement where each person's voice is heard and valued in crafting their life's narrative.

What you will learn

You know, when I first put this course together, I wanted to ensure that it wasn't just informative, but also transformative. I meticulously planned each session to tap into the real-world benefits of embracing a mindset that places the individual at the center of everything we do. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your approach, this course is organized to take you step-by-step through the principles and practices that will enhance your ability to support and empower those you work with. By the end, I'm confident you'll see the world through a more empathetic lens and feel well-equipped to make a positive impact in the lives of others, with practical tools and strategies that are as helpful as they are easy to apply.


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Your instructor

As an educator with a rich history of championing person-centered thinking, I bring a deep passion and a wealth of experience to this 8-hour course. My journey in supporting individuals with intellectual disabilities has been marked by an unwavering commitment to recognizing and cultivating the unique talents and aspirations of each person. My approach to teaching is rooted in the conviction that fostering genuine inclusion and opportunity not only transforms lives but enriches our entire community. This course is the culmination of my dedicated practice, my continuous learning, and my personal dedication to seeing every individual empowered to contribute to society in their own meaningful way.

Engaging with students, I draw upon a tapestry of real-world scenarios to illuminate the core principles of our shared mission. The stories I share are gleaned from hands-on experiences, illustrating the transformative power of a person-centered approach — an ethos that I not only teach but live by every day. Through active participation and collaborative learning, we'll explore not just the "how" but the "why" of our work, connecting the dots between individual goals and societal progress. Together, we step beyond traditional perspectives to embrace a future where every person's potential is recognized and celebrated.


Unlocking the Power of Individual-Focused Approaches


Shaping Interventions for Personalized Support


A Thorough Guide to Person-Centered Practices