Examples of Antecedents
To better understand the concept of antecedents and their impact on behavior, let's explore some examples of different antecedents.
1. Discriminative Stimulus: In behavioral psychology, a discriminative stimulus is an antecedent that signals the availability of reinforcement. For instance, a bell ringing before a mealtime acts as a discriminative stimulus for a dog, indicating that food is available.
2. Modeling: Observational learning, or learning by watching others, is influenced by the antecedent of modeling. When a child observes their parent performing a specific behavior, such as brushing their teeth regularly, it can serve as a powerful antecedent for the child to imitate the behavior.
3. Time of Day: Antecedents can also include specific temporal cues. For example, feeling drowsy and yawning during nighttime hours can act as an antecedent for going to bed and sleeping.
Key Lesson Concepts:
- Discriminative Stimulus
- Modeling
- Time of Day