Types of Antecedents

In the study of behavior, antecedents play a crucial role in understanding the triggers that precede a specific behavior. There are various types of antecedents that can influence behavior in different ways.

1. Environmental Antecedents: These are external factors present in the surroundings that can impact behavior. For example, a loud noise or a pleasant aroma can serve as environmental antecedents that prompt certain behaviors.

2. Social Antecedents: Human beings are social creatures, and our behavior is often influenced by the presence and actions of others. Social antecedents include things like social norms, peer pressure, and social rewards or punishments.

3. Cognitive Antecedents: Our thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions can also act as antecedents, shaping our behavior in significant ways. Cognitive antecedents may include memories, expectations, or even physiological states such as hunger or fatigue.

Key Lesson Concepts:

  • Environmental Antecedents
  • Social Antecedents
  • Cognitive Antecedents

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