Scenario 3

David is a special needs adult who lives in a group home. He is 25 years old and has been diagnosed with autism, intellectual disability, and speech delay. One of the staff members at the group home, Jessica, is 23 years old and does not have any disabilities. David and Jessica have started dating. The other staff members at the group home are upset about the relationship. They are worried that David is being taken advantage of, and they are also concerned about the ethics of a staff member dating a resident. However, they are not sure if they can do anything about it. They know that David is an adult with rights, and they are worried about getting in trouble if they try to interfere in his relationship. One of the staff members, Michael, is concerned that Jessica is using David's disability to get what she wants. Michael decides to talk to the other staff members about his concerns. He tells them that he thinks Jessica is taking advantage of David, and he urges them to do something about it. The other staff members are still reluctant to get involved because David is an adult and is his own guardian. 

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